
The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a comprehensive esoteric encyclopedia written by Manly P. Hall in 1928. The book covers a wide range of topics related to spirituality, philosophy, mythology, symbolism, and ancient wisdom from different cultures and religions. If you want to check it out for free right here on EmptyCreep.com, it can be found here: The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The book is divided into several sections, each of which provides detailed information on a particular topic. Some of the topics covered in the book include:

  • Ancient Mystery Religions: This section explores the secret teachings and rituals of various ancient mystery schools, such as the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mystery schools.
  • Symbolism: This section provides a detailed analysis of various symbols and their esoteric meanings, including the symbolism of numbers, colors, and shapes.
  • The Tarot: This section explores the history and symbolism of the Tarot, a deck of cards used for divination and spiritual exploration.
  • The Qabbalah: This section provides an overview of the Qabbalah, a system of Jewish mysticism that explores the nature of the universe and the human soul.
  • Alchemy: This section explores the history and symbolism of alchemy, an ancient practice that aimed to transform base metals into gold and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

The remainder of this Wiki page will serve as a collection of my personal notes on the book, outlines of each chapter, as well as my contextual analysis and opinions of the text.

Introduction: What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is the science of estimating values. The superiority of any state or substance over another is determined by philosophy. By assigning a position of primary importance to what remains when all that is secondary has been removed, philosophy thus becomes the true index of priority or emphasis in the realm of speculative thought. The mission of philosophy a priori is to establish the relation of manifested things to their invisible ultimate cause or nature.

How else has philosophy been defined?

“The science of things divine and human, and the causes in which they are contained.” - Cicero
“The science of effects by their causes.” - Hobbes
“The science of sufficient reasons.” - Leibnitz
“The science of things possible, inasmuch as they are possible.” - Wolf
“The science of things evidently deduced from first principles.” - Descartes
“The science of truths, sensible and abstract.” - de Condillac
“The application of reason to its legitimate objects.” - Tennemann
“The science of the relations of all knowledge to the necessary ends of human reason.” - Kant
“The science of the original form of the ego or mental self.” - Krug
“The science of the absolute indifference of the ideal and real.” - von Schelling
“The identity of identity and non-identity.” - Hegel

Created by 6race. Last Modification: Wednesday April 19, 2023 02:46:57 GMT-0000 by 6race.

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